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Satta King gali disawar sattaking


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Gali, Desawar, Faridabad, Mirzapur, Ghaziabad
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[05:15 AM]

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[06:00 PM]

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[08:00 PM]

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[08:30 PM]

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[11:00 PM]

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[03:30 PM]

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[05:15 PM]

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[07:30 PM]

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[02:00 PM]

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[02:10 PM]

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➤ Slide ➤ Slide ➤ ➤ ➤


Desawar | Faridabad | Mirzapur |


Ghaziabad | Gali | Kashi Noon |


Disawer Bazar | Suriya Star | Taj Mahal |


Taj Satta | Bala Ji Star | Kaveri Gold |


Jodi Record Chart

» Desawar

» Taj Satta

» Bala Ji Star

» Kashi Noon

» Disawer Bazar

» Faridabad

» Suriya Star

» Mirzapur

» Taj Mahal

» Ghaziabad

» Kaveri Gold

» Gali

♣️ Note : इस नम्बर पर कोई गेम नही मिलता ।
यहाँ पर किसी भी market का कोई भी नंबर नही मिलता है ।
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What is Satta King ?

Satta King is a term used to refer to a person who wins a large amount of money in the game of Satta Matka. The term "Satta King" is used to describe a person who has become rich overnight by winning a large amount of money in the Satta Matka game. It is also used to describe the website or the person who runs the website that provides the latest updates and results for the Satta Matka game. However, it is important to note that Satta Matka is illegal in India and participating in it can lead to legal consequences.
Satta King(सट्टा किंग) is a kind of lottery game based on numbers from 00 to 99 which comes under "Gambling". The real name of this game is Satta Matka, in which "Satta" means betting or gambling and "Matka" means a pot through which a number is drawn out. In the Satta Matka game, people wager money on their chosen numbers from between 00 to 99. After which, a number is drawn out of the pot. Whichever person's number was drawn out, he would win the prize and people called him as the Sattaking. Satta King(सट्टा किंग) is not the name of the game, it was the title used to honor the winner of the Satta Matka. But as this game became popular, people started knowing it by the name of Sattaking.

How many types of Satta king game ?

The Satta King game don’t have any type itself. When people start a new game in Sattaking, people name the game with the name of different City, State and places. Such as Gali, Deshawar, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Mumbai Morning, Delhi King, Dubai King etc. Although there are many types of Satta King games played in India, but out of all, 4 games (Gali, Deshawar, Gaziyabad, Faridabad) are played the most in the whole of India. Deshawar game is most popular. This game is from Dubai and is operated from there.

Tips for Success in Satta King Fast

Playing Satta King Fast can be exciting and rewarding, but it’s important to remember that it is also a game of chance. With that in mind, here are five tips to help increase your chances of success.

1. Start small: When you first begin playing Satta King Fast, start with small bets. This will help you get a feel for the game and its dynamics without risking too much money.
2. Avoid chasing losses: If you suffer a loss, resist the urge to try and make up for it by placing bigger bets. This is a common mistake made by beginners and can lead to even greater losses.
3. Set limits: Before you start playing, set limits for yourself. Decide how much money you are willing to lose and stick to it. Similarly, decide how much money you are willing to win before quitting for the day.
4. Play with a clear head: Avoid playing Satta King Fast when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These substances can impair your judgment and lead to poor decision-making.
5. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the Satta King Fast community. This can help you make more informed decisions when placing your bets.
Remember, there is no guaranteed way to win at Satta King Fast. However, by following these tips and playing responsibly, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy the game to its fullest.

What is Satta King Result ?

Satta King result refers to the outcome of the Satta Matka game, which typically involves the drawing of a set of numbers. The numbers that are drawn are usually considered the "winning numbers" and the people who have placed bets on those numbers are considered the "winners." The result of the game would be announced usually on a daily basis and the payouts would be made accordingly to the people who have placed the correct bet on the winning numbers.
The term "Satta King" is used to describe a person who has become rich overnight by winning a large amount of money in the Satta Matka game. It's important to note that Satta Matka is illegal in India, and participating in it can lead to legal consequences.

Importance of Responsible Gambling

Gambling is undoubtedly a thrilling activity, but it is essential to remember that it can also become dangerously addictive. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize responsible gambling while playing Satta King Fast. Here are six reasons why responsible gambling is so important.

1. Protecting yourself: By gambling responsibly, you reduce the risk of developing a serious gambling addiction. This, in turn, can help protect your health, finances, and personal relationships.
2. Protecting others: Responsible gambling helps to ensure that those around you are not negatively impacted by your gambling activities. For example, it can prevent you from borrowing money from loved ones or neglecting important responsibilities.
3. Financial control: Responsible gambling means setting limits and sticking to them. This can help you maintain better financial control, preventing gambling problems from spiraling out of control.
4. Long-term enjoyment: It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a win or the urge to chase losses. However, responsible gambling allows you to enjoy Satta King Fast as a long-term hobby, rather than a short-lived thrill.
5. Legality: It is important to gamble legally and responsibly, to avoid legal consequences. This also protects the integrity of Satta King Fast as a game of chance.
6. Positive reputation: Taking gambling seriously and gambling responsibly can help to improve the reputation of the industry as a whole. This can help to reduce the stigma associated with gambling, and make it a more socially acceptable activity.
Remember, responsible gambling is all about knowing your limits, setting boundaries, and never losing control. By prioritizing responsible gambling, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience while playing Satta King Fast.

What is Terminology ?

Satta King = The word matka is derived from a word for an earthen pot. Such pots were used in the past to draw the numbers.

Single = Any digit between 0 and 9 which involves in betting.

Jodi/Pair = Any pair of two digits between 00 and 99 involves in matka (e.g. : 12)

Open Result - Ander / Close Result - Bahar = The outcome of matka betting is divided into two parts. The first part is called open result and the second part close result.

Farak = The Farak is how many difference from close result to open result (e.g.if the jodi/pair is 57, 7–5; the farak is 2; some another: "73" is 13-7 - 6 )

Berij = The Berij is last digit of jodi's/pair's sum. (e.g. if pair is 76, berij is 7+6 = 13; last digit is 3; means berij is 3)


In conclusion, playing Satta King Fast can be a thrilling experience, but it is crucial to understand the rules, strategies, and tips before getting started. Responsible gambling is also essential to ensure that the experience remains positive and enjoyable. Setting limits and boundaries, knowing when to walk away, and avoiding getting caught up in winning or losing streaks are all part of responsible gambling. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy Satta King Fast as a long-term hobby and avoid potential negative consequences. So, remember to play responsibly and have fun!

Unveiling the World of Satta King: A Comprehensive Guide to Satta King Fast
The Ultimate Guide To Satta King: How Satta King Fast Became a Popular Betting Game
Everything You Need To Know About Satta King Fast: The Ultimate Guide The Law and Legitimacy of Playing Satta King Fast: A Comprehensive Guide
The Ultimate Guide to Playing Satta King Fast: Rules, Strategies, and Tip

1. Introduction

Satta King Fast is a popular online betting game that originated in India. Despite being illegal in many parts of the country, it is still widely played and enjoyed by millions of people. The game has its roots in the gambling houses of Mumbai, where it was originally known as Ankada Jugar.
Satta King Fast involves placing bets on the numbers that are drawn at random. Players can win big prizes by correctly guessing the winning numbers. While the game may seem simple, there are many rules and strategies that players need to be aware of to increase their chances of winning.
In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Satta King Fast, including the rules of the game, different types of bets, and tips and strategies for winning big. So, whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, read on to become a Satta King Fast expert !

2. Understanding Satta King Fast

To be successful playing Satta King Fast, it is essential to understand the game and its rules thoroughly. Here are some key things to keep in mind.

1. The game involves betting on numbers ranging from 0 to 99. The winning number is then drawn randomly, and players who have bet on that number win a prize.
2. There are different types of bets that players can place, including single, Jodi, Panna, and Sangam.
3. Single bet is a bet on a single number, Jodi bet is a bet on two numbers, Panna bet is a bet on three numbers, and Sangam bet is a bet on a combination of Jodi and Panna bets.
4. The amount of money that can be won depends on the type of bet and the amount of money that has been bet. The more money that is bet, the higher the potential payout.
5. It is essential to keep track of the numbers that are drawn and the bets that have been placed to identify any patterns and increase the chances of winning.
6. Satta King Fast is a game of chance, and there is no guaranteed way to win. It is crucial to set a budget for betting and stick to it to avoid losing more money than planned.
By understanding the game’s rules and strategies, players can increase their chances of winning at Satta King Fast. However, it is important to remember that the game involves risk and should be played responsibly.

3. The Rules of Satta King Fast

To become a successful player in Satta King Fast, it is essential to know the game’s rules inside out. The following are the most crucial rules to keep in mind.

1. Always play with your own money and avoid borrowing or lending money to other players.
0 2. Choose the type of bet wisely. You can bet on a single number, a pair of numbers (Jodi), a trio of numbers (Panna), or a combination of Jodi and Panna (Sangam).
0 3. Set a budget before placing any bets. Stick to this budget throughout the game, regardless of wins or losses.
0 4. Avoid putting all your money in a single bet. Spread your bets across multiple rounds to increase your chances of winning.
0 5. Keep track of the numbers that have been drawn in the past. Analyze them to determine patterns and increase your chances of winning.
0 6. Know when to stop playing. Set a win limit and a loss limit and stick to them. Don’t get carried away by emotions or the temptation of bigger payouts.
By following these rules, players can minimize their risks and increase their chances of success in Satta King Fast. However, it is important to remember that the game is entirely based on chance, and there is no guaranteed way of winning. It is essential to play responsibly and within one’s means.

4. Strategies for Playing Satta King Fast

Playing Satta King Fast requires more than just following the basic rules. Experienced players use a variety of strategies that can help increase their chances of winning. Here are some popular strategies to keep in mind.

1. Bet wisely: When placing bets, it’s important to choose the type of bet that will give you the best chance of winning. Single number bets have the highest payout but also the lowest chances of winning. Pair and trio bets have lower payouts but higher odds of winning. Choose your bets according to your budget and risk tolerance.
2. Manage your bankroll: Set a budget for each round and stick to it, even if you’re on a winning streak. Don’t be tempted to place bigger bets than you can afford. Divide your bankroll into smaller units and spread your bets across multiple rounds. This will help you stay in the game longer and increase your chances of winning.
3. Keep track of numbers: Keep a record of the numbers that have been drawn in the past. Analyze them to detect any patterns or trends. This can help you choose which numbers to bet on and avoid numbers that are unlikely to come up.
4. Choose reputable websites: Only play Satta King Fast on trusted and reputable websites. There are many fraudulent websites that offer rigged games or cheat players out of their winnings. Do some research to find reliable websites that offer fair games and prompt payouts.
Remember, Satta King Fast is a game of chance, and there is no guaranteed way to win. These strategies can help increase your chances of success, but always play responsibly and within your means.

A disclaimer on a Satta Matka website would typically state that the website does not condone or promote illegal activities such as gambling or betting. It would also state that the website is providing information for entertainment and informational purposes only, and that the website and its owners are not responsible for any financial or legal consequences that may result from the use of the website's information.
It is important to note that owning, operating or providing information related to Satta Matka is illegal in India and can lead to legal consequences. It's also worth mentioning that, promoting or encouraging any illegal activities is also against the law.

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Dear user, We would like to inform you that we and our site ( is not involved with any online gambling activity. All the data on the website are just records and are sponsored. We do not want to harm the rules and regulations of any country. We also want to inform you that playing the Satta kingg game may not legal in your country, so it's better to quit today. Thanks